Hey Merbabes! Today we are talking outfit repeating. The first time I ever heard this term was graduation scene of The Lizzie McGuire movie when Kate unzips Lizzie's graduation robe and shames her "its-kind-of-a-peasant-dress-but-it-might-just-be-a-baggy-disaster-of-questionable-fiber-content", that she wore to the spring dance and wore again to graduation. Ever since that moment, my life was changed, no longer could I wear my favorite outfit over and over again, that was totally uncool. Now I don't really care about what is cool versus what is uncool, but I do care about my Instagram feed, wait for it, this will all tie together in a second.
I can't even count the amount of times my friends have complained about not being able to post an Instagram photo because they wore the same outfit, a post or two back. Now, I have never been in this situation, but it seems pretty tragic. The reason I have never been in this situation isn't because I have an endless supply of clothes, it's because I shop smart, and I strategize my looks. I'm sharing my top tips to help you never repeat an outfit ever again. Unless you want to, then you do you.
1. Get Your Basics in Check

I know I talk about basics literally all the time, but having a wardrobe that consists of basic pieces is a major key. This took me a long time to learn...not really, I'm still v youthful, but back to my point, I was obsessed with always owning the weirdest and wackiest pieces I could find. While those pieces are perfect for creating a occasion look, they are not ideal for mixing and matching. For a large portion of my teen years I owned more pink, faux fur than basic tee shirts. It is far easier to build unique looks using basics that can be transformed, than building a look with that one sweater pink and green zebra-print sweater that only looks good with your light-wash flares. I speak from experience.
For your basics, I recommend a couple tees, a solid button-up, jeans in multiple styles or if you're like me just a thousand pairs of boyfriend jeans, plus a few flirty tops for summer + sweaters for winter.
2. The Essential Third Piece

The "third-piece" is really what upgrades any outfit. I often laugh to myself that I wear a white t-shirt and jeans 90% of the time and still call myself a fashion blogger. It isn't the white tee and jeans that makes my outfit a look, its that third piece I added to it. Adding just one item to an outfit adds depth and texture to an otherwise basic look. Plus, you can easily swap out a jacket or kimono to give a that tee and jeans you wore yesterday a whole new vibe. Outfit repeat swerved.
The third piece can be as simple as a pair of sunglasses or a bag, or it can be more integrated into the look like a kimono or jacket.
3. One-of-a-Kind Finds

Once you have an army of basic in your wardrobe, it's time to spice up your life. Some of my favorite pieces are vintage finds, like my Baby Phat camisole, or my FUBU jersey, but the rest are hidden gems I snagged from Zara, Asos, or Urban.
These fun finds don't seem the most versatile but they are what keep your wardrobe inspiring. You would be surprised how easy it is to wear a pink and black striped faux fur jacket, I literally used this Zara jacket as my third piece for every outfit last winter. These wild pieces can become a replacement for your basics when you are looking to take your look to a new level. After a couple tries you will be working and reworking that faux fur in ways you've never imagined.
4. Step Outside Your Box

I'm not talking about getting really wild, and turning your tops into pants, and your jeans into a top, although I am so for that. I'm talking taking two extra seconds in the morning to see your closet in a new way. I am so guilty of skipping this step and complaining I have nothing to wear, when that obviously is not the case. Sometimes all you need is a scroll through Instagram for a little inspiration, I love saving images of outfits that incorporate pieces that are similar to ones that I already own. Then, when I am struggling for my life to figure out what to wear, I can go into my inspo folders and locate a look that is within my reach. Be sure to use all your resources, no one's closet is off limits in my eyes. I love snagging my mom's sweaters or my dad's tees to supplement my wardrobe.
Another way to see pieces in a new light is to switch up when + where you are wearing your favorite items. I love wearing track pants all the time, I pair mine with a bodysuit for an all day athleisure look, then swap out your gym shoes for heels to take your track pants from day to night.
I promise you that there is not one piece of clothing in your closet that only goes with one other piece. It just takes time and effort to figure out how to wear pieces multiple ways. Once you solve that magical equation there are endless opportunities for you to create look upon look upon look without constantly adding items of clothing to your cart.